Aadithya Srinivasan is a Mridangam Player from Chennai, India. He is the Great – great Grandson of Shri. Kaliakudi Natesa Sastry of Tiruvarur, an exponent of the art of Harikatha, & the Guru of Doyen of Carnatic Music ‘Chembai Shri. Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar. Aadithya started learning Mridangam at the early age of 8, Inititated by Shri. Suru Ravindran and Mridangam virtuso Dr. Shri. Prapancham Ravindran. Now he is being ably guided by the Mridangam exponent Dr. Shri. Patri Satish Kumar. With the blessings from his Gurus. Aadithya plays different genres of music including Carnatic Classicals, Light Classicals, Nama Sankeerthanams, Bhajans, etc. Aadithya is keen on passing the legacy of his Gurus to the future generation and is passionate about teaching.

Intermediate Mridangam
₹ 3,000.00
In this course, students will learn complete Rupaka (6 beats) and Misra chapu (7 beats) thalams. This course also focuse…