Course Price

From 4,000.00 INR /month

This course is equivalent to Grade 6 – Grade 8 of the Trinity syllabus. In this course, students will be learning Legato, staccato, MF, Straight and Swung in the following scales: E Major, C# harmonic Minor, Pentatonic major A, D and chromatic C and also the exercises and pieces in each of these scales. The course also provides Aural and Improvisation Training, Chords Training, Sound at sight training in advanced time signatures upto tempo 140, advanced level theory and trinity exam training to students. On completion of this course, the students will have a clear knowledge about the western classical music system, the advanced level theory and will be able to play all the major and minor scales with ease. They will also be ready to take up Grade 6 – Grade 8 of the Trinity Certificate exams.


Students who have completed training in upto Grade 5 of the Trinity Syllabus or its equivalent on the Keyboard.

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