Course Price

From 2,500.00 INR /month

The Violin takes the lead in the family for its mellifluous sound and wide range of applications. Violin plays a vital role in Western music. The most extensively used instrument in an orchestration is the violin followed by the viola, cello and double bass. Any symphony in music is incomplete without the presence of the violin as it is believed to bring out the soul and essence of a song. It’s usage in Western and film music is very vast as it is used in accompaniment, orchestrations and also in lead. This course is designed for students who aspire to play western compositions on the Violin. The student will be trained in the basics of Western theory, Anatomy of the violin and it’s usage. The student will be learning and understanding history of the genre of music. This course also includes in training of sight reading, various bowing techniques and finger position techniques. With accurate finger training and ear training, the student will be taught to apply the fundamentals in famous compositions.


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